How Long Do I Have to Wait to Trade Again in Sun and Moon

My first weblog post of 2014… Happy New year's day!!! … I hope you and yours had a wonderful Holiday Season!

Have y'all always spent time painting a piece of furniture, painting your walls, cabinets, or annihilation at all; then somehow mucked up your paint job because it hadn't dried or cured properly? Beyond frustrating correct?

Before I went on holidays last yr (love saying "last year" even though it was simply a few weeks ago… weird, I know) I repaired a table with border-banding and gave it a flawless sprayed black finish.

Painted Black Table repaired w Edge Banding

Considering I was in a rush with my packing, holiday training yada-yada-yada (do people nonetheless say yada-yada 😉 ), I rushed to go this table staged, photographed, and posted to this web log.  Take a look what happened. If you look closely, you'll see exactly where the plate left its mark!Scratched Table | How Long For Paint To Dry?

I've been painting article of furniture long enough to know that paint tin can experience DRY to the bear on in as trivial equally one or 2 hours, still CURE time usually takes 3-4 weeks. This is because PAINT DRY and Paint CURE are 2 different things.

Paint "Dry" happens when the solvents evaporate from your pigment blanket leaving the pigment feeling dry to the touch even though information technology is not 100% dry.

Pigment "CURE" happens when your paint coating has reached it'due south maximum hardness and is completely 100% dry.

When reading the label on your paint tin, information technology will tell you the DRY time, not the CURE time. Through many mistakes just like my table above, I've learned it'south all-time to expect until article of furniture has CURED before staging and selling. Sometimes this isn't possible. For instance, if a customer wants their furniture asap, I ever explicate the repercussions of using the article of furniture before it has had time to cure.

How long does it take paint to dry and cure?

Water Based/Latex Pigment ~ Dry Time 1-ii hours – Cure Time 21-30 days

Oil Based Paint ~ Dry out Fourth dimension six-8 hours – Cure Time iii-vii days

Chalk Brand Paints ~ Dry out Time 30-threescore minutes – Cure time 30 days

Homemade Chalky Paint ~ Dry Fourth dimension xxx-60 minutes – Cure Time 21-30 days

Milk Pigment ~ Dry Fourth dimension thirty minutes – Cure time 30 days

Some factors which result dry/cure fourth dimension.

The thickness of your paint

The surface information technology'southward painted on eg. forest/melamine/dry wall/concrete/canvas etc.

The sheen of the paint eg. flat/eggshell/satin/semi-gloss/high-gloss

The make and type of paint eg. oil/latex/chalk/acrylic/milk paint

The colour of the paint and tints used eg. longer drying time with dark colors

The overall condition of where it is left to dry out eg. air flow/humidity/temperature

The number of coats applied

How to bank check if your paint is dry?

To check if your paint is dry, touch an camouflaged area with your finger. If the paint is not tacky and feels dry to the touch, it is dry out.

How to check if your paint is cured?

To check if your paint is cured, do the fingernail test. In an camouflaged area, press your fingernail into the paint. If it leaves an indent (like my plate did…grrrr!!!) your paint is not fully cured. If no indent is visible and the surface is hard, your paint has cured.Paint-Dry&Cure-Times Chart

And so do you think I should add together P-A-T-I-E-N-C-E to my list of New Years Resolutions? {rolling my eyes and smiling}

I'd love to hear how long you await for your paint to dry before using or selling your article of furniture.  Don't exist shy… If you've had a similar experience, go out a annotate! It will brand me feel a whole lot amend knowing I'thousand non the only i!

Enjoy your day!


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